Az oldalon s az albumokban tallhat fotk, a Szerzi Jogrl szl 1999. vi LXXVI. trvny vizulis mvekre vonatkoz 67-72 rtelmben, szerzi jogi vdelem alatt llnak! A kpek zletszer felhasznlsa, vagy letltse csak rsos vagy szbeli engedlyemmel lehetsges !!! A kpek egyni jells vzjellel vdettek, melynek felirata: A Fotk megvsrolhatak, 160 x 110 cm kp mretig, Adobe RGB sznkezelssel, 300 dpi felbontsban. r megegyezs szerint!
The photos which can be hit on the side and in the albums, the 1999. yearly one being about the copyright LXXVI. law onto visual works relevant 67-72 parag his sense, they are at a standstill under copyright protection! The businesslike use of the pictures, you are his download only with my written or oral permit it's possible!!! The pictures with a watermark with an individual nomination protected, the inscription of which: The photos buyable, 160 x 110 cm of picture until a size, Adobe RGB with colour management, 300 dpis in a resolution. Price according to an agreement!